Sunday, December 14, 2008

A tough day in RC South

The British flag here in RC South is at half-mast today. Yesterday, the Brits lost four soldiers in two separate incidents. Three were killed by an IED and the fourth was killed by a "suicide bomber," although I don't think the bomber knew what he was doing. The bomber was a 13-year old kid pushing a wheel barrel full of newspapers. Odds are the Taliban hid the bomb under the newspapers and told the kid to deliver them to the British soldiers, remote activating it when they were in the kill zone.

As a result of this rough day, the British Prime Minister is flying here as I type. We're working to get Ramirez to the area to cover the visit.

This story just demonstrates that it's not just the United States that's losing people here. We've lost roughly 550 Americans in this theater over the past seven years. The Brits have lost the second most with somewhere around 130.

For all those who have fought and died here, the above quote from Gen.MacArthur is very appropriate.

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