Thursday, January 22, 2009

The first wave out

For several people in my office, their tour in Afghanistan is now over. At the same time, their relief have arrived. To celebrate the new arrivals and the latest departures, we held a "Hail and Fairwell" last night in true Royal Navy style. Our outgoing boss, Captain Mark Windsor is a Royal Navy officer and he commanded the formal event which began with the national anthem of each nation represented in the room. There were speeches and award presentations, a grand evening for the public affairs team.

Outgoing staff include:
Capt. Mark Windsor - Chief PAO
Col. K - Deputy Chief PAO
Lt. Col. Dave Honchul - Media Analysis
LCDR James Gater - Deputy Operations
1LT Yuksel Kilic- Planning
MC1 David Hamilton - Media Analysis asst.
1st Sgt Ramazan - Planning

Gentlemen, I wish each of you "fare winds and following seas."

Welcome aboard:
Major Chris Sergeant - Royal Navy
LCDR Chris Hall - Royal Navy
TSgt Bobby Maki - ISAF

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