Monday, April 20, 2009

A bedtime story for Daddy

I try to talk to my kids as much as possible. It's especially important while I'm deployed. Last night, they made me laugh so hard when I asked them each to tell me a story before going to bed. Below is a transcript of that conversation.

DADDY: Do you have a story for me honey?
DAUGHTER: Yes... Once upon a time Daddy found a magic coin.
DADDY: And what did I do with it?
DAUGHTER: You gave it to your daughter and she used it to go on a rollercoaster. Thee end!
DADDY: Honey, that's a great story. You are so sweet! Thank you.
DAUGHTER: Here brother, tell Daddy a story.
SON: Once upon a time there was Batman and Robin...
MOMMY: And what did they do to help people?
SON: They KILLED the Joker!

The moral of this entry; my daughter is extremely sweet and my little boy is all boy!

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